Business Owners, Executives & the Self-Employed

At Compass Private Wealth, we are passionate about working with Business Owners, Executives and the Self-Employed. Running your own business or practice can give you more control over your personal finances than if you are working in a large corporation.
Proactive financial planning is essential in order to protect you and your business, fund your retirement and ensure that your investment risk is diversified.
Having a Vision for the end-Game
We work with our clients to visualise and plan for their long-term business & retirement goals.
This may involve building up a sustainable pension fund, putting the appropriate protection policies in place and allocating surplus capital or cashflow to the appropriate structures and solutions.
Managing Risks
For smaller Companies and Partnerships, it is extremely important that key individuals (usually Shareholders) within the Organisation have the necessary protection policies in place to protect the business, the individual and the family of the individual in the event of death or illness.
Maximising Pension Contributions
Company Executives & Proprietary Directors may have the option to fund their Pension Schemes by way of Employer Contributions that have larger funding scope than contributing personally. Putting in place the appropriate mix of Salary & Employer Pension Contributions is very important to provide you with a target Retirement Value and sufficient personal cashflow.
Cashflow Planning
It is very important that any surplus Income or assets within your business are appropriately allocated to ensure a minimisation of unnecessary taxes and optimisation of returns.
Compass do not advise on Accountancy or Tax, however when our clients (in conjunction their accountant) identify surplus capital or cashflow within the Business, our role then is to outline what we believe is the best use of this surplus capital or cashflow, usually in the form of Pension contributions or Investment Portfolios.