Financial Planning Steps
Step 1: Ascertain Capital Position
We firstly work with our client so draw up their overall ‘Balance Sheet’ by totalling up all Assets & Liabilities.
We profile the range of Assets to understand the split between Structures e.g. Personal, Pension, Corporate, Trust accounts.
We also look at the % Asset Allocation of the entirety of the Assets.
Step 2: Calculate your Cashflow Position
The step above is simply a ‘line in the sand’ value of all Assets less Liabilities. We then carry out an exercise to map out future Income and Outgoings.
Income may be in the form of earned Income, passive investment income and / or Pension income.
Outgoings can be split into Essential costs (Taxes, House-Running etc.) and Discretionary Costs
Step 3: Document your Risk & Succession Plans
The above 2 steps will outline, numerically, what your financial position is. In order to fully understand your existing financial affairs, we also spend time understanding your existing risk minimisation plans.
Here we look at your Protection (Life Insurance & Income Protection) and your current Succession Plans for any descendants or dependents you have. We listen to what your key risks and concerns are.
Step 4: Figure our your Goals, Preferences & Concerns
We then spend some time talking to you and figuring out exactly what you want to achieve with your finances.
We discuss areas such as your investment risk profile, your target retirement age or your asset allocation preferences. We also ask about your Sustainability preferences and any restrictions you may have. This step is highly important to put the human touch into finding out what really matters to you with your finances
Step 5: We advise
Having now gathered everything we need to know about your financial position and your future goals & objectives, we now make tangible and specific financial planning recommendations to you.
This will include all areas of Financial Planning advice and can include areas such as Investment Portfolios, Asset Allocation, Protection, Pension Funding, Risk Management and Cashflow Planning.
We aim to explain the rationale of our recommendations in a highly transparent manner.
Step 6: Review & Implement
We spend time explaining our recommendations and provide you with answers to any questions you have. Once we are sure that you are clear as to our recommendations, we works with you in implementing the agreed recommendations.