PRSA Funding
Finance Act 2022 effectively eliminated the limit on the amount that the Company can contribute to an individual’s Pension PRSA contract, subject to the €2m Standard Fund Threshold (SFT).
Why Pensions?
The purpose of a Pension is ultimately to fund your Retirement years by saving a portion of your Employment Earnings into a tax-efficient vehicle.
Pension Contribution Limits: Personal
Revenue impose maximum age-based contribution amounts for Personal Contributions to Private Pensions
Max Funding for Company Directors
Proprietary Directors have flexibility in alternating their overall remuneration between Salary and Employer Pension Contributions….
Maximum Pension Size
The current Standard Fund Threshold (SFT) Limit is €2 Million euro. However, for planning purposes the target pension size is actually higher from a tax perspective, standing at €2,150,000.
Lump Sum & ARF when retiring a Pension
When retiring a Pension into a Defined Contribution post Retirement structure, up to 25% can be taken in a lump sum & the balance to an AMRF / ARF.
PRSAs as transfers from Occupational Pensions
Up until the end of 2021, this option to use a PRSA was only available to people with less than 15 years of Pensionable Service. However
Retail Master Trusts (One Member)
A Retail Master Trust is a one-person Company Pension Plan that can house both Employer and Employee Contributions. This type of Pension is most suitable for Company Executives and Owner Managers.
Buy Out Bonds (Personal Retirement Bonds)
A Buy Out Bond (also known as a Personal Retirement Bond) is a lump sum pension contract specifically designed to house legacy pension
QROPS Buy Out Bonds for UK Transfers
Individuals who previously worked in the UK, and are now resident in Ireland, can transfer their UK Pension into an Irish Buy Out Bond that is ‘QROPs’ approved by HMRC.
What is a Defined Benefit Pension?
A Defined Benefit (DB) Pension is a type of post-Retirement Pension that will pay an annual income (mainly paid monthly) for the rest of the policyholder’s life.
The State Pension
The current State Pension in Ireland is payable from age 66. This is due to increase to 67 (and subsequently 68), but at the time of writing (August 2021) we are not clear if and when this will happen.