Jonathan Sheahan Jonathan Sheahan

Volatility Ratings

The volatility rating for a fund indicates how much the fund price might move compared to other funds. The higher the volatility rating, the less stable the fund price is likely to be.

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Jonathan Sheahan Jonathan Sheahan

Equities: Overview

Equity is the name given to money that is invested in a company. This is done by purchasing shares of that company in the stock market, through an exchange. Equities are therefore an asset class.

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Jonathan Sheahan Jonathan Sheahan

Distinct Asset Classes

There are ultimately 6 distinct ‘Level 1’ Asset Classes that we should consider to simplify Investment decisions.

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Jonathan Sheahan Jonathan Sheahan

What is Growth Investing?

Growth investing is a strategy that seeks to grow your money by investing in companies that have a high potential to be successful in the future.

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Jonathan Sheahan Jonathan Sheahan

Why should I diversify my Portfolio?

Over a prolonged period of time, some of your stocks will fall in value. Volatility will always play a role in the investing game, so owning a number of diversified stocks will help offset losses and provide you with the opportunity to profit from your investment.

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